This content option gives your learners access to Bookboon’s 2700 audiobooks, podcasts and ebooks in addition to the Coorpacademy catalogue. Each content published by Bookboon is both validated by peers and by the University of California.
What is the Bookboon add-on?
This content option gives your learners access to Bookboon’s 2700 audiobooks, podcasts and ebooks in addition to the Coorpacademy catalogue. Each content published by Bookboon is both validated by peers and by the University of California.
Bookboon publishes ebooks and audiobooks for corporates. Each content is both validated by experts and by the University of California.
Ebooks are also available in audiobook format. Audio contents (audiobooks, podcasts and talks) are designed to upskill professionals within companies.
Localisation in 12 languages
Contents are written, created and recorded by native speakers in 12 available languages (EN, FR, DE, PT, ES,…) and adapted to cultural local specifics.
Compact formats
Bite-size and impactful formats with listening times from 5 to 60 minutes and reading times from 30 minutes to 2 hours to deeply cover a topic in one learning session.
Audiolearning available
on the Coorpacademy Hub
“The audio format is on the rise. But few training platforms offer audio content adapted to professionals. With the podcasts and audiobooks offered by Bookboon, our learners will be able to access a new way of learning with the assurance of quality content designed for them by the world’s leading publisher of ebooks for professionals.”
Armelle Lavergne, Head Of Partnerships Coorpacademy
Listen and try!
Podcast n°1 : The Revival of Learning Culture by Josh Bersin