Coorpacademy Original🎙️ Cybercafé – All Episodes

🎙️ Cybercafé – All Episodes

The Internet, the Web – no problem! Are you so sure of that? Ian, for example, has realized that he’s not so familiar after all with these tools he uses every day in his private and professional life… His voice assistant Layah takes a few minutes to answer his questions every morning while he’s having breakfast. Use this 5-episode audio learning series to immerse yourself in the history of the Internet, the Web, social networks and many other things!
Don’t hesitate to give your feedback here after listening to the 5 episodes, your opinion is precious!


You will be able to :

  • Know the history of the Internet and make a distinction with the Web podcast
  • Understand the birth of the Web and the main HTTP errors
  • Understand how search engines, indexing protocols and SEO work
  • Narrate the development of Web 2.0 and social networks, from the first forums to filter bubbles
  • Understand the concepts of NFTs and the Blockchain, and the issues raised by the decentralized Web
  • Chapters:

    • 🎙️ Cybercafé Episode 1: There Was Once the Internet
    • 🎙️ Cybercafé Episode 2: 500 Error
    • 🎙️ Cybercafé Episode 3: (Search) Engines, Action!
    • 🎙️ Cybercafé Episode 4: The Social Networks
    • 🎙️ Cybercafé Episode 5: One Web to Rule Them All?

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    🎙️ Cybercafé – All Episodes

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