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- Disability situation(s): Julia & Max and visual impairment
- Disability situation(s): Erin and the autism spectrum disorder
- Decarbonisation: what’s at stake? What solutions?
- Data at the heart of environmental, social, and governance (ESG) challenges
- Generative AI and the art of prompts
- Sustainable transformation : success stories and business cases (3/3) Supporting economic prosperity: the Back Market case
- Sustainable transformation : success stories and business cases (2/3) Protecting the planet : the Patagonia case
- Sustainable transformation : success stories and business cases (1/3) Fighting poverty: the Danone case
- Boost your sales thanks to mobile
- Trivial Pursuit – Energies of the Future
- Cybersecurity: The New Threats and Strategies
- CoorpCast|Ep17|Parenthood in the workplace: how to better support working parents?
- CoorpCast|Ep19|From pixels to masterpieces: The age of generative AI
- Monopoly: The Art of Negotiation
- Bioinspiration: drawing inspiration from nature to rethink our organisational approach
- Cross-Functional Management: Definition and Best Practices
- Cybersecurity: did you catch the bug?
- Preventing psychosocial risks for a better quality of life at work
- The Sustainable Company: How to Reconcile Profit with Well-Being and Sustainability
- Promoting women wellbeing in the workplace
- Talent retention
- Diversity at Work: Avoid any Missteps!
- Presentation is everything
- Data Visualisation in Practice
- Reacting to a Data Breach
- No-Code: a Driving Force for Innovation
- Manage Your Time at Work More Effectively
- Overcoming the impostor complex: instructions for use
- Trivial Pursuit Season 2 : Science & Nature
- Understanding Sustainable Finance and its Regulations
- Leading innovation sessions
- Building innovation teams
- Working in a hybrid team
- How to Focus on Concentration at Work
- Improve Your Listening Skills
- Artificial Intelligence: Challenges and Stakes
- Leading Small and Large Teams
- Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation
- Leading Dynamic Teams
- Conducting Successful Business Negotiations
- Building Your Personal Brand
- Hersey and Blanchard’s Situational Leadership Theory
- Skills of a Situational Leader
- Hybrid Working
- Improve Your Judgment
- Female Leadership and Empowerment
- E-commerce
- Creative Thinking and problem solving
- Agility In Times Of Change
- Managing Hybrid Teams
- “Professional” and “Performance” Interviews
- Mastering the Cold Calling Process
- Sales Effectiveness
- Virtual Selling
- Switch to hybrid working
- NFTs – The New Digital Gold ?
- Machine and Deep Learning: Open The Black Box!
- CoorpCast – Episode 5 – No-Code Supporting Digital Transition
- Understanding the stakes and impacts of GDPR
- How to be creative
- CoorpCast – Episode 4 – Ecological Transition: Companies Are Acclimatizing
- CoorpCast – Episode 3 – Explainable AI
- CoorpCast – episode 2 – The Great Resignation
- The Key Skills of Effective Virtual Leadership
- The path to digital sustainability
- Coorpcast – episode 1 – The metaverse
- Three Yogist® journeys to stay active in the office
- Small Talk : how to engage a conversation
- Leading Generationally Diverse Teams
- Building Emotional Intelligence
- Become a physiognomist !
- Learning culture
- Hosting a Virtual Meeting
- Develop Your Influence
- Lean Management: Operational Excellence
- Clue: Murder on Skill Island
- Growth Mindset
- Nudge Techniques: Using Incentives for More Effective Management
- Sustainable transformation in 20 questions
- The New Expectations of Responsible Consumers
- Major Trends in Social Networks
- Mental Health – Part II
- Protecting biodiversity: an asset for companies
- Understanding the environmental crisis
- Understanding the links between our socio-economic model and the environmental crisis
- Preparing the company for the environmental transition
- Mental Health – Part I
- Find meaning in your work !
- Trivial Pursuit – Web and Technology
- Trivial Pursuit – Planet and Environment
- Game Theory: Solve the Prisoner’s Dilemma
- The Fundamentals of Leadership
- Working Well Remotely
- Transforming organisations by creating a true data culture
- Customer Experience as a Performance Lever
- Learn about KPIs
- 🎙️ Cybercafé – All Episodes
- From Individual to Organizational Resilience
- Preventing Discrimination and Encouraging Diversity
- Operating in a VUCA environment
- Strategic Foresight: Informing Decision-Making
- Strategic Foresight: A Toolbox
- Cybersecurity
- 28 Questions of vocabulary
- Boost Your Learning Abilities
- Preventing Moral Harassment
- Managing Conflicts at Work
- Commitment to work
- Test Your Adaptability
- Cloud computing
- The Circular Economy: From a Straight Line to a Virtuous Circle
- The Pitch and Storytelling for Business
- Preventing Sexist Behaviour and Sexual Harassment
- Cross Cultural Communication
- Tailor Your Pitch to Your Needs!
- Mentoring
- Take a Fresh Look at Your Management Style
- Effective Writing for Professional Purposes
- The Art of Argumentation
- Keeping Informed in the Age of Disinformation
- Well-Being in The Digital Age
- Being a Remote Worker
- Managing Remote Teams
- Remote Working: From Theory to Best Practices
- Equal Treatment at the Workplace
- Working From Home: Staying Healthy, Motivated and Safe
- Digital Identity and e-Reputation
- Phishing: Protect Yourself from Hacking
- Make a Success of Your Meetings
- Escape Game: the Forum of Babel
- Smart City: Think Big, Start Small
- Learning to learn
- Understanding 5G and its challenges
- 30 Ways to Make More Time
- CSR, Stakeholders and Jobs: Everyone’s Business
- Talking through Conflict
- The Internet of Things
- Motivation: Dealing with Uncertainty
- Sustainable Change: Success Stories and Business Cases
- Talking Through Conflict
- Trivial Pursuit – The Ultimate Challenge
- Performance review: Code RED
- Trivial Pursuit – Sports & Leisure
- Attention in the digital age
- Meetings, bloody meetings
- Trivial Pursuit – Arts & Literature
- Avoiding and Countering Cyberattacks
- Trivial Pursuit – History
- Boost your memory
- Trivial Pursuit – Entertainment
- Digital sobriety
- Development Discussions
- Emotional intelligence: managing emotions at work
- Trivial Pursuit – Geography
- Performance Conversations
- Organizing and Facilitating a Creativity Session
- Trivial Pursuit – Science & Nature
- Stay engaged though corporate communities
- The Fight Against Corruption
- 36 forward-looking questions
- Resilience
- WeChat, the application that is connecting China
- Protecting yourself and others from the spread of Covid-19
- Crisis communication
- Feedback Conversations
- Assert yourself
- Master a Negotiation in English
- Managing cognitive biases
- Data: the art and science of visualisation
- Successful Public Speaking in Any Situation
- Respect and Inclusion at work
- Thinking of Others
- Workplace diversity
- Data: An impactful yet simple methodology for business
- Making effective decisions in any situation
- The fundamentals of English conjugation
- An Introduction to First Aid
- Intrapreneurship
- Agility in action
- Everyday Negotiating Techniques
- The fundamentals of English grammar
- Counselling
- Disability awareness
- Communicate Effectively to Improve Collaboration
- The keys to a successful transformation
- Negotiation seen through the lens of neuroscience
- Agile employees: learning to develop skills
- Tell your professional story in English
- The Learning Organization
- Quantum Computing
- Holding a Meeting in English
- Working with the Millennials
- Understanding cryptocurrencies
- Cultural intelligence: a key asset in the workplace
- The best Lean tools for improving performance
- Interacting successfully with Indians
- Feedback: how to give them… and receive them
- Problem solving: crack complex problems with the 4S method
- Phone Manners in English
- Corporate finance for non-financial people
- 1 hour to stop stressing and stay zen
- Marketing and online advertising
- The power of behaviour
- Being a leader
- Being a ‘people person’
- Praise and criticism
- Getting stuff done
- Managing yourself
- Customer relation: When things go wrong
- Cognitive technologies
- Digital in China: The world’s biggest online market
- Managing Discipline
- Crisis Management
- Managing Projects & Processes
- Leadership sins
- Practical wellbeing
- The basics of e-mail writing
- Unleash your inner creativity
- The Basics of E-mail Writing in English
- Improving lives with data
- Security in the digital age
- Tools for transformation
- Adopt an agile mindset
- Difficult conversations
- Motivating your team
- Understanding behaviour
- Meetings
- Body Language & assertiveness
- Criticism and failure
- Inbound Marketing & Growth Hacking
- Feel Well at Work in 5min with Yogist®
- Team decision making
- Inside your head
- Creativity and innovation
- Change
- Emotional intelligence
- Team Well-being for Managers
- Stellar Retail Customer Service
- Using social commerce to build your brand image
- Working efficiently: the 9 tools you need to know about
- Principles and methods of Product Management
- Anticipating and managing tensions in a team
- How to communicate as a manager
- Trading tips and techniques
- Key concepts of trading
- Preparing for tomorrow’s world
- How to improve team performance
- Boost your creativity with mind mapping
- Ensuring team cohesion and well-being
- Work-life balance
- Cognitive biases: thinking traps
- AI and cognitive technologies
- Social Selling
- 9 exercises to gain serenity and efficiency
- Tomorrow’s working methods
- The collaborative economy
- Eating better at work
- Feeling good at work
- Organization skills for managers
- First steps as a manager
- Franco-German Intercultural Relations
- GAFAnomics
- Introduction to artificial intelligence
- Understanding the stakes and impacts of GDPR
- The principles and tools of compliance
- The business model
- Customer relations
- Management 3.0
- Learn how to prevent digital risks
- The user experience
- Making a sale
- Discovering the applications of blockchain technology
- Understand blockchain technology
- Innovate with startups
- Psychology and communication techniques
- The keys to emancipatory management
- The fundamentals of risk management
- Preparing and managing complex negotiations
- Getting to know food better
- The fundamentals of negotiation
- Work Efficiency
- Deliver your talk
- Rethinking management
- Understand the 3rd Industrial Revolution
- Raise the entrepreneur who is in you
- Prepare your talk
- Master Design Thinking to become more agile
- Leading change in a disruptive environment
- Private Equity
- Deciphering the X generation and millennials
- Life Insurance Management and Taxes
- Life Insurance
- Monitoring, Managing and Closing the Project
- Risk Management
- Cost Management
- Deadline Management
- Content Management
- Project Stakeholders
- Starting and Organizing a Project
- The Project and its Ecosystem
- Energy Efficiency
- Energy Production
- Conflict Management
- Management of Stress and Emotions
- Robots and Men
- Biotechnology: the new frontiers of health
- Women Are Like Any Other Leader
- Be an assertive woman
- Prospectives
- From “Mass Market” to “One to One” Targeting
- Lead Generation
- Brand Engagement
- Big Data
- Connected Point of Sale
- Multi-Screening Behaviour
- Social Networks
- E-commerce
- Online Video
- The Mobile Revolution
- Search