Éditions Eyrolles OriginalPreparing and managing complex negotiations

Preparing and managing complex negotiations

  • 45 min
  • 72 questions
  • 9 videos

Have you ever been faced with a “difficult” negotiation? What factors make negotiations complex? And how can you succeed despite these obstacles? Preparation, communication, balancing the power relationship… This course will teach you how to identify and avoid the pitfalls of complex negotiations and equip you to approach all types of negotiations, even the most difficult ones.


You will be able to :

  • Identifying elements that complicate negotiations.
  • Understanding and avoiding the classic pitfalls of difficult negotiations
  • Creating a dialogue context which favours the fruition of the negotiations
  • Chapters:

    • Complex factors in negotiation
    • Pitfalls to avoid in complex negotiations
    • Developing an enabling environment

    You will be able to :

  • Analysing the initial situation
  • Preparing a strong and secure negotiation framework
  • Identifying and improving the power relationship
  • Chapters:

    • Overview of the situation
    • Drafting the negotiation framework
    • Balancing the power relationship

    You will be able to :

  • Identifying elements that complicate negotiations.
  • Understanding and avoiding the classic pitfalls of difficult negotiations
  • Creating a dialogue context which favours the fruition of the negotiations
  • Chapters:

    • From strategy to tactics
    • The positioning game
    • Good communication skills in complex negotiations

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