Usbek & Rica OriginalStrategic Foresight: A Toolbox

Strategic Foresight: A Toolbox

Foretelling the future with any accuracy is impossible. But we can try to understand the future – or rather the possible futures – in order to prepare for them! Find out how with this two-part course on strategic foresight.
🔧 In this practical part, discover 4 foresight tools and apply them, to understand more clearly the present, your environment, and thus the possible futures!
You can also consult the theoretical part, to review the main principles of what is also known as “futures studies” and their evolution, especially in a context of crisis.

Welcome to this exploration of the futures!


You will be able to :

  • Analyze in depth a product or service to identify possible strategies
  • Bring out cooperative dynamics to take advantage of them
  • Chapters:

    • The Reverse Patent or Reverse Engineering
    • Allied Forces: A New Use for Porter’s Model

    You will be able to :

  • Understand your environment, right down to the most inconspicuous factors influencing it
  • Immerse yourself in cultural imaginaries to imagine scenarios of possible futures
  • Chapters:

    • The PESTEL of the Unseen: An Analysis of Unnoticed Changes
    • The Generator of Possible Futures: Imagination and Anticipation

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