FABERNOVEL OriginalThe keys to a successful transformation

The keys to a successful transformation

Digital technologies have changed our everyday life: knowing about anything immediately, or ordering a product or service in one click have become standard practice. But how did the companies that brought these revolutions about organize themselves to stand out from their competitors and quickly offer digital services that were geared to the new market trends? This course proposes to answer that question, based on 9 examples of companies that managed to pick the locks of digital transformation, each in its own way.


You will be able to :

  • Understanding the challenges of digital transformation
  • Adopting a customer-centric approach
  • Developing a customer experience through data
  • Chapters:

    • The challenges of digital transformation
    • Customer Centricity
    • Data serving Customer Experience

    You will be able to :

  • Using Test & Learn to accelerate innovation
  • Optimizing your information flows with APIs
  • Knowing the best Open Innovation practices
  • Chapters:

    • Innovation with Test & Learn
    • Information Exchange through APIs
    • The challenges of Open Innovation

    You will be able to :

  • Developing a corporate vision geared to employees’ expectations
  • Remaining agile when scaling up
  • Making your organization more flexible using flex office and telecommuting
  • Chapters:

    • The new Company-Employee deal
    • Large-Scale agility
    • Flex office and Teleworking

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