Éditions Eyrolles OriginalTailor Your Pitch to Your Needs!

Tailor Your Pitch to Your Needs!

Presenting your idea, your project or even your CV simply and concisely to convince someone is not that easy. Yet this increasingly sought-after skill is useful in many situations! Rest assured, you can learn how to make a good pitch by working on it! This course is just what you need for practical training in how to customize you pitch!

COMING SOON: You want to learn more? Then check out our course on the art of the pitch and storytelling.


You will be able to :

  • Work out and formulate your ideas
  • Adapt to your interlocutor
  • Make a pitch for all your projects!
  • Chapters:

    • Now make your pitch!

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    Tailor Your Pitch to Your Needs!

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