Coorpacademy OriginalMachine and Deep Learning: Open The Black Box!

Machine and Deep Learning: Open The Black Box!

They are part of our daily lives and perform veritable feats – image recognition, film recommendations, medical diagnosis assistance… – without our really being aware of it. Ever more powerful machine and deep learning algorithms continue to develop at lightning speed. But have you ever wondered how it all works? If this topic piques your curiosity, you’ve come to the right place. You know what you should do to learn more …


You will be able to :

  • Understand the principle of a decision tree
  • Chapters:

    • A little game to start with

    You will be able to :

  • Tell a friend the history of machine learning (and explain how the Turing machine works!)
  • Know all about the main types of learning (supervised and unsupervised)
  • Understand the principle of supervised learning and its main applications: regression and classification
  • Chapters:

    • Discovering Machine Learning
    • The Different Types of Learning
    • The Principle of Supervised Learning

    You will be able to :

  • Understand the logic behind unsupervised learning and how clustering works
  • Grasp the principle of an artificial neuron and the analogy with the biological brain
  • Understand the workings of an artificial neural network and the challenges of deep learning
  • Chapters:

    • The Principle of Unsupervised Learning
    • In the Arcanes of Deep Learning: The Artificial Neuron
    • In the Arcanes of Deep Learning: Neural Networks

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