Wolters Kluwer OriginalThe Fight Against Corruption

The Fight Against Corruption

  • 30 min
  • 48 questions
  • 6 videos

Corruption is not just about a man using a handshake to slip someone a wad of banknotes. On the contrary, it is often much more subtle. A slightly overdone gift, an invitation you find it difficult to refuse …This problem concerns everyone, whether they’re in a private or a public sector company. From a “run-of-the-mill” to a “big-time” offence, this course offers you an overview of corruption and how to guard against it. But to start with, take a little test to see how much you already know. So, will you get top marks?


You will be able to :

  • Test your knowledge of corruption through 10 mini case studies
  • Chapters:

    • Corruption or Not? Test your Knowledge!

    You will be able to :

  • Distinguishing between active and passive corruption? in the private and public sectors? and at national and international levels
  • Recognizing “ordinary” corruption: gifts and invitations, conflicts of interest and bribes
  • Chapters:

    • Definition and Types of Corruption
    • The Most Common Cases of Corporate Corruption

    You will be able to :

  • Knowing the main legislative instruments at global level: UKBA, FCPA and the French law “Sapin 2”
  • Identifying the main actors: institutions (UNODC, GRECO, OECD), NGOs, whistleblowers …
  • Assessing the importance of corruption in the international public sector
  • Chapters:

    • The International Legal Framework of the Fight against Corruption
    • The Actors in the Fight Against Corruption
    • Corruption of Foreign Public Officials

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