Dunod Formation OriginalThe Sustainable Company: How to Reconcile Profit with Well-Being and Sustainability

The Sustainable Company: How to Reconcile Profit with Well-Being and Sustainability

The ideal of the sustainable company leads you to rethink the role of your company in society, to go further than the goals of a mere CSR strategy. In light of the recommendations made by the IPCC and the IPBES, each facet of the company must be questioned, from management practices to the product itself and the company’s business model. You can forget a simple reduction in negative impacts, it’s time to make an active contributioin to solving climate and social challenges! Innovation is not just a question of technology, it also affects our different types of job in their quest for meaning and engagement. Although as yet no company is 100% sustainable, let’s forward to this this promising future together.

Inspired by the book L’Entreprise contributive , by Fabrice Bonnifet and Céline Puff Ardichvili .


You will be able to :

  • Completely rethink the company’s role in society
  • Reinvent your job
  • Chapters:

    • What is a sustainable company?
    • Meaningful jobs

    You will be able to :

  • Measure a company’s externalities using reliable indicators
  • Take concrete action to eliminate the company’s social and environmental impacts.
  • Chapters:

    • Align with scientific facts
    • Reducing negative externalities

    You will be able to :

  • Build a sustainable business action plan
  • Innovate to promote moderation
  • Chapters:

    • Adopting a sustainable business model
    • Going beyond the idea of innovation in the service of sustainable development

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