MySezame OriginalThe Circular Economy: From a Straight Line to a Virtuous Circle

The Circular Economy: From a Straight Line to a Virtuous Circle

For the past sixty years, the world economy has been organized around an ideal of mass consumption and infinite growth. But in a world of finite resources, this model is starting to show its limits. So how can this line, which goes from the extraction of raw materials to the end of the product’s life, be turned into a virtuous circle? This is what you will discover in this course!


You will be able to :

  • Understand the challenges of the circular economy
  • Explain the circular economy with a Donut
  • Chapters:

    • From a Circular to a Linear Economy

    You will be able to :

  • Change the way you see production… to change the way you produce!
  • Make each purchase an act of citizenship
  • Identify how to transform our waste into resources
  • Chapters:

    • Pillar n°1: Reinventing your Company with the Circular Economy
    • Pillar n°2: The Consumer and the Circular Economy
    • Pillar n° 3: Waste as a Resource

    You will be able to :

  • Illustrate the transformative powers of the circular economy with a concrete case
  • Thoroughly understand the philosophy of the circular economy
  • Explain the rebound effect to your great aunt.
  • Chapters:

    • Interface or How to Transform your Company with the Circular Economy
    • “Do better with less” or do more with as much?

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