Usbek & Rica OriginalBiotechnology: the new frontiers of health

Biotechnology: the new frontiers of health

  • 60 min
  • 9 questions
  • 72 videos

Bespoke treatments for mankind: nearly 200 years after the adventures of Dr. Frankenstein, the fantasy of the mad scientist is almost a reality. Today, 3D printing and biotechnology truly expand the frontiers of modern medicine. But just how far? Is it possible to treat, to “restore”, or even to improve humans? Procedures, applications, major players, challenges and so forth, in this subject you will learn all you need to know about the future of the human body.


You will be able to :

  • Understand the key stages of 3D printing
  • Understand how bio-printing works
  • Identify the big names in the world of bio-printing
  • Chapters:

    • A history of 3D printing
    • How does bio-printing work?
    • The big names in bio-printing

    You will be able to :

  • Recognise the possibilities of bio-printing
  • Understand the issues of bio-printing organs
  • Comprehend the challenges which arise from biotechnology
  • Chapters:

    • Bio-printing simple organic tissue
    • Bio-printing organs
    • The challenges facing bio-printing

    You will be able to :

  • Understand how technological advances have revolutionised prosthetics
  • Identify the issues relating to connected prosthetics
  • Define the notion of an exoskeleton
  • Recognise the different technologies used to repair the human senses
  • Chapters:

    • Prosthetics
    • Exoskeletons
    • Restoring senses

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