Coorpacademy OriginalPhishing: Protect Yourself from Hacking

Phishing: Protect Yourself from Hacking

You have probably already received dozens of phishing messages. Some are obviously suspicious ( “You won the lottery !!!” ), but others are much more sophisticated and difficult to spot. Luckily, in this immersive course you will meet Mr. Martin, the new Safety Officer at FishCorp 🎣. Mr. Martin has just joined the company, and he will give you 7 tests to teach you how to recognize phishing attempts or how to react if you make a mistake.


You will be able to :

  • Recognize a suspicious email
  • Handle a fraudulent message
  • React in case of error
  • Chapters:

    • Phishing: Protect Yourself from Hacking

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    Phishing: Protect Yourself from Hacking

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