Olivier Sibony OriginalTake a Fresh Look at Your Management Style

Take a Fresh Look at Your Management Style

Cognitive biases, hasty conclusions, unsuitable methods… In management, as elsewhere, muddled practices abound! Faced with this “instinctive” style of management, the source of countless errors, it makes sense to adopt a scientific approach to improve managerial practices. In this course, you will discover a series of concrete illustrations of common mistakes that (almost) all of us make, in areas as varied as recruiting or financial projections. And you will discover the keys to taking a fresh look at your management style.


You will be able to :

  • Activate your “System 2” more effectively
  • Optimize your thinking time
  • Limit bias in your decisions
  • Envisage how to decide without risk
  • Chapters:

    • Rethinking your Thinking Process
    • Rethink your Decision-Making Process

    You will be able to :

  • Realize the limitations of the traditional interview
  • Envisage effective recruiting methods
  • Create a framework for your forecasts
  • Chapters:

    • Rethink the Way you Recruit
    • Rethink your Forecasting Process

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