Wolters Kluwer OriginalPreventing Moral Harassment

Preventing Moral Harassment

A proven situation of harassment marks a before and after in the history of a company.
This course will help you understand what’s happening in this type of situation and protect yourself more effectively from it: What precisely are the acts in question? How can I distinguish between managerial power and harassment?
Above all, you will know how to react and what actions to take to put an end to any situation of harassment you may be faced with.


You will be able to :

  • Recognizing a situation of moral harassment
  • Chapters:

    • Recognizing Moral Harassment
    • Real-Life Situations of Moral Harassment
    • The Different Stakeholders

    You will be able to :

  • Take action at company level to defuse or resolve the situation
  • Understand the consequences of harassment for the victim and for the company
  • Chapters:

    • Assessing the Situation
    • Talking About Things
    • Reporting and Putting an End to the Acts

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