Dunod Formation OriginalInbound Marketing & Growth Hacking

Inbound Marketing & Growth Hacking

Inbound marketing, growth hacking, smarketing… These terms are not just fashionable buzzwords to throw around – they are successful marketing strategies for businesses looking to boost their turnover by focussing on customer needs. In this course designed with Stéphane Truphème, an inbound marketing expert and author of <i>La Boîte à Outils de l’Inbound Marketing et du Growth Hacking</i> (<i>The Inbound Marketing and Growth Hacking Toolkit</i>), you will familiarise yourself with the objectives behind these two marketing paradigms by exploring the various steps your business needs to take so that it reaps all the benefits these tried and tested methods have to offer.


You will be able to :

  • Understand how these new paradigms respond to a real need on the part of consumers
  • Focus on user needs so that you promote the right products at the right time
  • Consider how useful hacks can be when it comes to boosting your business’s growth
  • Chapters:

    • The birth of new marketing paradigms
    • Inbound Marketing in the spotlight
    • Growth Hacking: increasing growth as quickly as possible

    You will be able to :

  • Make a precise assessment of the behaviours your target audience to help you convince them that what you offer is what they need
  • Learn to exploit the strength of quality content
  • Understand the importance of behavioural data when customising your messages
  • Chapters:

    • Constructing personas
    • Creating your content strategy
    • New marketing strategies: an analytical approach

    You will be able to :

  • Assess whether marketing automation would be right for your organisation
  • Understand the importance of cohesion between marketing and sales teams
  • Strike the right balance between traditional and modern marketing techniques
  • Chapters:

    • Automate your marketing
    • Switching to “smarketing”
    • Finding the right mix of Outbound and Inbound Marketing

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    Inbound Marketing & Growth Hacking

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