Dunod Formation OriginalEmotional intelligence: managing emotions at work

Emotional intelligence: managing emotions at work

Nobody leaves their feelings in a locker room before entering the office. And it would be wrong to do so! Better managed stress, better decisions, greater motivation,
changes tackled more effectively: there are so many benefits of a developed emotional intelligence… So what makes one emotion different from another, and how can one manage their manifestations in the workplace? If you are looking for a manuel on how to handle emotions on a daily basis, this course is for you!


You will be able to :

  • Understand the challenges of emotional intelligence
  • Identify the 4 fundamental emotions
  • Chapters:

    • Highlight your emotional intelligence
    • Recognizing emotions and needs

    You will be able to :

  • Better analyzing your emotions to gain perspective
  • Coping with inconsistent emotional reactions
  • Chapters:

    • Managing negative emotions to better experience them
    • Welcoming the emotions of colleagues

    You will be able to :

  • Become aware of your defensive attitudes
  • Better anticipate and defuse conflicts
  • Chapters:

    • Learn to assert yourself and communicate your emotions well
    • Managing emotions under stress

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