A live quiz to test your digital knowledge

Rédaction Blog

7 years ago



Schneider Electric organized a live quiz on digital culture for its employees around the world. The participants loved the webinar, as shown in these messages left on the live chat!

 “This is great!” Robert

“Wow… It was quite a challenge! I learned a lot of things.” Martina

On the occasion of the company’s “Learning Day”, Sébastien Orifici, Schneider Electric’s VP Marketing Academy, co-hosted the webinar with Arnauld Mitre, one of the co-founders of Coorpacademy. Two sessions were organized on the same day so that employees in all parts of the world could participate.

A lively webinar: a quiz, a leaderboard, a special guest and lots of fun

A quick reminder of the context: Schneider Electric created a digital learning platform in 2015 with Coorpacademy. This platform now gathers 60.000 learners and offers courses on digital technologies, but also about the group itself (its various jobs, its development axis, etc.). The 16 courses on digital technologies are validated by a certificate, the “Digital Passport”.

The goal of this quiz/webinar was simple: to promote the “Digital Passport”, which aims to develop employees’ skills on digital technologies.

Test and improve your digital culture with a selection of the best questions from the “Digital Passport”, followed by a live debrief with Arnauld Mitre, digital expert and co-founder of Coorpacademy

Sébastien Orifici and Arnauld Mitre preparing the webinar
Sébastien Orifici and Arnauld Mitre preparing the webinar

Coorpacademy created a quiz based on its “Digital” courses. The participants were invited to answer its 16 questions on Big Data, social media, the mobile revolution, etc.

  • What was Google’s former name?
  • What is Brick and Mortar?
  • What does ROBO mean? *

After each question, users could live monitor their success rate and ranking.

*If you’re having trouble to answer, check out our courses 😉

“I hope you’re going to teach us a lot… Because I apparently don’t know anything :-)” Nadia

Arnauld Mitre, the co-founder of Coorpacademy and former Head of Agencies Southern & Eastern Europe, Middle East, Africa at Google, then went over all the questions, providing his expertise on the various subjects.

Among other things, he clarified a few things regarding search engine optimization and mobile uses, and took the participants back through the history of the Internet by talking about the revolution (back then) that was Adobe Flash, or the first video ever published on YouTube. Other notions related to Big Data were also touched upon.

But digital technologies, beyond the technical and business revolution they enable, also have an impact on our perception of time, in particular for younger generations, reminded Arnauld. Snapchat is used by 18-24 year olds and has the particularity of deleting messages after a few seconds. Facebook, on the other hand, plays more and more the role of a photo album. YouTube, which seems inevitable today, is only 12 years old! How did we do before that? Our perception of time has been drastically modified. Everything goes faster!

So, as we look forward to the next quiz/webinar, we thank Schneider Electric for this great initiative!

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