Meet the Digital Learning Club to co-build the future of corporate learning

Rédaction Blog

6 years ago



Club: an association, a group dedicated to a particular interest or activity meeting up regularly to discuss it.

Digital Learning Club: a group dedicated to co-build the future of corporate learning. 1st meet-up: February 2018. The main topic: Lifelong Learning.

Because uncertainty lies in the future. See for yourself: according to the World Economic Forum, by 2020, every employee will need an additional 101 days of training to upskill and to remain competitive. By 2022, 75 million jobs will be destroyed whereas 133 million new jobs will be created. And 65% of jobs in 2030 haven’t been invented yet – still according to the WEF.

Our clients understand extremely well the need for continuous lifelong learning.

This is how the Digital Learning Club is born, dedicated to our clients, in France and in Switzerland. The club is for them and made by them. Privileged moments between peers in order to share Corporate Digital Learning’s good practices, their views on the skills of tomorrow or the future of education. Our clients also gain visibility on Coorpacademy’s future product developments and can share their concerns or needs to our Product and Content teams for months to come.

We want – with this Digital Learning Club – co-build the future of Coorpacademy’s learning experience, which needs to be unique for each learner.

Those club events, happening at lunch time, feature talks from Arnauld MitreFrédérick Bénichou or Jean-Marc Tassetto – co-founders of Coorpacademy – on various topics such as the ROI of digital learning or data-driven learning experiences. Then, Armelle Lavergne, Head of Content and Partnerships, speaks about new ways of learning and the key soft skills to develop in a near future – which Coorpacademy follows very tightly since 2013. Melchior Merlin, Head of Product at Coorpacademy, discusses with clients the platform’s future product developments. This privileged moments ends with workshops and prototypes testings to gather as many feedback as possible.

One idea is behind all we do during this club: co-building innovative, personalized, engaging learning experiences that’ll put learners in the path of lifelong learning. In a few words, co-building the capacity to learn how to learn tomorrow’s skills.

If you’re interested in knowing more, please contact us!

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