Safran’s Digital Academy: a look back at the first year of Digital Learning with Frédéric Verger

Rédaction Blog

1 year ago



One year after the launch of the Digital Academy, Safran’s online training platform that trains employees to increase their skills on all digital transformation topics, Coorpacademy by Go1 takes stock of the situation with Frédéric Verger, Group Director of Digital and Information Systems and member of Safran’s executive committee. 5 minutes only to say it all!



In this interview, Frédéric Verger celebrates an “extremely successful adventure” with Coorpacademy by Go1, throughout this first year. In the first seven months, 15,000 collaborators had completed no less than 70,000 modules in total.


One year after launch, Safran has already exceeded 35,000 users for more than 2 million questions answered, for nearly 65,000 hours of training.


Frédéric Verger also details the functionalities and contents that have made the greatest impression on learners: a craze for battles, for example, a trademark of the Coorpacademy catalog, as well as a strong interest for certain digital trends in particular, such as blockchain, NFTs or the cloud.


It also describes the future challenges facing Safran’s Digital Academy, which has been renamed the Digital Academy “Plus”. The first year is coming to an end, with the ambitious objectives of training on the challenges of the group’s digital transformation. A second season is now starting with: complete training modules on core skills (data, engineering or manufacturing 4.0), the addition of several use cases (learning by experience) and all the new features of the Coorpacademy catalog (AI, Chat-GPT and much more). 



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