Coorpacademy’s new interface

Rédaction Blog

7 years ago

Learning Innovation

The Coorpacademy platform is evolving thanks to users feedbacks. Let’s take a look!

These improvements have been made thanks to our users’ feedbacks, especially during our latest “Gold Coorper” events. We heard a majority of feedbacks on the mobile user experience. That’s why we conceived this new interface in a “Mobile First” way, where everything is thought to get you the best experience on smartphone.” said Frédérick Bénichou, co-founder of Coorpacademy.


No need to scroll anymore! When you answer a question, everything’s available on the same screen! From top to bottom:

  • Number of lives left, the level of the course (Basic – Advanced – Coach) and the name of the course.
  • The question and the different possible answers.
  • The rapid access, with one click, to the lesson video and to the clue (watch out, getting a clue will make you lose one star!). A little red notification will be added to the video icon when the learner switches chapters.

On the answering screen, the former interface was displaying the validation (or non-validation) of the question, the Key Learning Factor (the course element allowing you to answer to the question rightfully) but also a Did You Know That? section, with some additional knowledge. Users feedbacks were usually the same: there was too much information on the same page, which made learners skip the page without reading any of the bullet points.

On the new interface, the user path has been adapted to the learner’s answers.

If you’re right:

  • The screen will only display Did You Know That? and will hide other elements.


If you’re wrong:

  • If you haven’t seen yet the course video, the screen will first display a direct access to it.
  • If you have seen it already, the screen will display in priority the Key Learning Factor. 

SilverV4 Wrong Answer

And more features to come!

We want to listen closely to our learners’ feedbacks, for them to be as much involved as us in the creation of the most engaging, fun and accessible learning experience” concluded Melchior Merlin, Product Manager at Coorpacademy.

Stay tuned for more informations on the next features!


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