The Battle of Premium Content in the Learning and Training Industry

Rédaction Blog

5 years ago

Learning Innovation


On April 23rd, Coorpacademy co-founder Arnauld Mitre was invited by Fabernovel to their MultipLX, the Learning Expedition from your desk, to talk about the key stakes in corporate digital learning.

Video is in French but you can watch it with English subtitles.

Amongst these stakes, content. One of the biggest issues in the learning and training industry – which is a content industry – is to think that 2 contents with the same name are worth the same. Thinking that I would be able to learn how to become a better manager for example, on any support, with any course called ‘How to become a better manager?’ There are no other industries where this is the case.

You wouldn’t say, for example: “I’m going to watch a detective series”. But rather: “Would I watch Columbo?” or “Would I watch Money Heist?” These are not the same profiles; one chooses a particular content.

The first battle for the learning industry is the battle of content, the one you can find nowhere else, the battle of the best content.

In 1996 Bill Gates was already saying: “Content is King.” And it is even more true in the learning industry!

What about you? Are you more Columbo or more Money Heist?

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