End of lockdown: get back on track safely with 3 new course playlists on Coorpacademy

Rédaction Blog

5 years ago



The end of lockdown. Getting back to work. These termes raise as much hope as they raise questions.

How to get back to work with the best possible sanitary conditions? How to get prepared for it, individually and collectively? How to understand and analyze the upcoming challenges?

This crisis teaches us that we don’t know everything. But it also teaches us that together we stand. We are able to bounce back. We don’t know everything but we learn. Facing these uncertainties, we test, we analyze, we learn.

At Coorpacademy, we have listened to your feedback and have used our experience acquired during lockdown to create specific learning paths to ensure going back to work is both seamless and serene.

Being kind, listening actively, stepping back, being resilient will be among the topics we cover in these learning paths, grouping courses into 3 playlists: “Listening and guiding”, “Anticipating” and “Protect each other”.

After having completed these courses, you will obtain the “Back on Track” certificate, and you will be ready to get back to work safely.

Listening and guiding: 45 chapters

A learning path dedicated to solidarity, to team spirit or to being kind at work.

Listening and Guiding Learning Path


You can find in this learning path:

Managing stress and emotions from Institut François Bocquet

Stress is an emotion that affects us all on a daily basis with differing degrees of severity. In our professional lives, stress is something that we must manage in order to keep our emotions in check and work effectively. This course will enable you to identify stress mechanisms in order to better prevent them and understand how to deal with them.

Conflict management from Institut François Bocquet

The workplace can be fertile ground for confrontational relationships. Mind games sometimes feature alongside verbal attacks and ill-advised criticism. How should we deal with rumours? What are the principles of mediation? This subject looks at how conflicts arise so that you can deal with and resolve them calmly.

Emotional intelligence from Video Arts

Emotional intelligence has grown to be more and more recognised as one of the keys of good and successful leadership. Far from being a mushy, sappy concept, it is at the heart of every personal and professional relationship: it is the ability to identify and manage your own emotions and the emotions of others. This course will help people in leadership positions become more emotionally intelligent.

Counselling from Video Arts

Almost all managers will face the issue of dealing with staff whose personal problems are affecting their work and they need the know-how and sensitivity to address such situations. This course introduces counselling techniques and active listening for managers.

Ensuring team cohesion and well-being from Éditions Eyrolles

Managing a team means knowing how to take care of its members. How? In this course, you will learn to recognise the different factors affecting your employees’ levels of motivation and how to address them. You will also be introduced to different management styles to use based on your team members and their levels of autonomy. It is up to you!

Communicate Effectively to Improve Collaboration from Dunod

Everything is communication: even when we are not actually speaking in a meeting, the way we behave has a meaning that will be interpreted by our interlocutor. Because communication errors create tension and are a waste of energy, the ability to communicate well is an essential skill that everyone must cultivate carefully. It is important for the person transmitting information to convey a clear, unambiguous message correctly, and for the receiver to facilitate the transmission, providing feedback on the way the message is perceived, and making sure that the information is complete. Take this course to learn how to improve your understanding and make yourself clearly understood.

Dealing with absenteeism from Video Arts

And here it comes again… Today is Monday and it seems that this time, John broke his right leg. Same thing for Katie. As for Sam, his dog must have had another food poisoning. Enough! Are you tired of seeing your office look like a ghost town? This course will give you all the insights you need to tackle absenteeism, as well as comprehensive solutions. From understanding the reasons for absenteeism to organising the return to work interview, every aspect of managing absent employees is covered. Just follow three simple steps and you will know how to deal with this sensitive subject area which costs organisations billions in revenue every year. And remember: when someone calls in sick, it doesn’t necessarily mean that they are unwell…

Anticipating: 40 chapters

A learning path to anticipate the future, to shape up what will come next but also to take a step back and to find (again) purpose in your job.

Anticipating Learning Path

You can find in this learning path:

Anticipating and managing tensions in a team from Éditions Eyrolles

Tensions and conflicts seem inevitable regardless of a team’s characteristics. But are they really? Group conflicts, scapegoats, sources of tension… In this course, you will learn everything you need to know to handle delicate situations and sustain or guide your team toward harmonious relationships. You will also learn about the mechanisms at work during periods of change and how best to support your team. It is up to you!

Managing cognitive biases from Olivier Sibony

At work, you have to make decisions of varying importance on a daily basis. It probably seems so natural to you that you do not feel any need to adopt a particular method to do it. Like everyone else, though, you are subject to cognitive biases that lead you astray even when you are not aware of the fact. And like everyone else, you regularly make predictable mistakes … Fortunately, it is possible to learn how to decide better! In this course designed with Professor Olivier Sibony, you will learn more about the most common mistakes of this type, and you will discover a method to improve the quality of your decisions.

Change Management from Éditions Eyrolles

Over its lifetime, a company is bound to evolve and transform itself, to adjust to its wider environment. The discipline that allows these transformations to be carried out seamlessly, placing the employees at the heart of the process, is known as “change management”. This course details the key stages and sine qua non conditions for conducting successful change, and sets out all the reasons why it is essential to consider the human factor no longer as an obstacle, but as the major asset and driving force of any transformation.

Tomorrow’s working methods from Ouishare

Employment is changing in a world undergoing profound change, and where a generation with new expectations is entering the market. And with it, the business world changing too. In this course, you will discover what lies behind these changes and the impact on workers and businesses. Self-employed workers, distributed leadership, sociocracy: these and other new words in the employment-related vocabulary will be explained to you in this training course on the future of employment.

The Learning Organization from Numa

Today’s organization must know how to create the conditions that allow its employees to interact effectively with their environment, to mobilize their skills, to update and develop them. It is this ability of the individual and the collective to learn and adapt to the changes of a world in profound transformation that allows the organization to be part of a sustainable performance. In this context, the manager is led to play a central role. It supports the transformation of individuals and the organization, by creating a framework conducive to learning. Take this course to discover how to create conditions that help your employees learn continuously.

Change from Video Arts

A change is as good as a rest. But not as easily managed! This course will help you, leaders and managers, to successfully implement change by getting your teams fully on board. Champions, resisters, gatekeepers… With perseverance, you will bring them atop, as long as you first own the change. Here are the keys to a peaceful rest…

Protect each other: 43 chapters

A positive learning path with wellbeing and resilience notions. Let’s get back on track!

Protect Each Other Learning Path

You can find in this learning path:

Feel Well at Work in 5min with Yogist® from Yogist

Have you ever wondered why you have backache, why your eyes are so sore, or why you have pain in your wrists after working all day at a computer? Bad posture at work is most likely the cause. In fact, these days our way of life means we’re often sedentary for long periods of time. Coupled with stress and a lack of regular exercise, bad posture wreaks havoc at work. During this course, you’ll find out how to do simple exercises using the Yogist® method. The exercises are easy and everyone can do them. Consider the exercises as a toolkit you can use to prevent and ease pain caused by work-related stress and working at a computer. Yogist – Well at Work is an innovative way of raising awareness of health issues and teaching people how to prevent and manage them.

1 hour to stop stressing and stay zen from Dunod

Would you like to be more relaxed at work or in your personal life? Do you dream of better managing the pressure? Imagine that being more Zen is within everyone’s reach! You do not need to do hours of meditation every day: a few simple tools can help restore calm when nothing goes well. In this course designed with Diana Barthélemy-Clouwaert, author of the book 2H chrono to stop stress and stay zen, you will discover information, tips and practical exercises to learn how to decompress better.

Practical wellbeing from Video Arts

Do you feel like you don’t have enough time to take care of your own wellbeing? The pressures of work and the hectic pace of modern living can mean that we sometimes neglect ourselves and overlook our basic needs to eat, sleep, and have downtime. This course will show you how to take care of yourself, and how showing kindness to others and focusing on one task at a time can reduce stress and improve working relationships.

Protecting yourself and others from the spread of Covid-19 from Coorpacademy

Not all regions of the world are affected by Covid-19 in the same way. And each country applies specific protective measures to protect its population. Whether for economic, social or public health reasons, most governments have started to draft their back-to-work plans depending on the sector or the nature of the activity concerned. But be careful, going back to the office does not mean “getting back to normal”. The protective measures, the wearing of a mask and the basics of maintaining a healthy environment must be known and applied to guarantee everyone’s safety.

9 exercises to gain serenity and efficiency from Dunod

“In this day and age, the workplace environment is constantly changing, so staff need to know the best ways to adapt and respond to the needs of a business in terms of innovation and competition. However, being agile or adaptable can also be a source of stress and pressure. This course will introduce you to the practice of mindfulness, a meditative exercise that works well in a professional environment. Mindfulness encourages you to listen to your body and your feelings. It helps you relax, increases your energy levels and improves your attention span at work. The “Mindfulness at Work” course was designed with Nathalie Van Laethem, an Atlans consultant who is also author of Boîte à outils de la Pleine conscience (The Mindfulness Toolkit) , and creator of the Un potentiel de plus (A little more potential) blog.”

Inside your head from Video Arts

How can you manage what’s inside your head? Whether it’s your to-do list, your insecurities, your thoughts, or your emotions, don’t forget that only you know what comes and goes in your own mind. In this course, you will see how thinking and not thinking can lead us into trouble, how to weather the storm when our moods are against us, and how to give our minds a break with the power of lists.

Resilience from Management Magazine

Who has never had to cope with a failure, minor or major, on one or several occasions? While failure is something brutal, it can nevertheless not only be overcome, but also be turned into something positive in the long run. To achieve this, the keyword is: resilience. This course will help you to understand the scope of this concept in the world of work and will provide you with the keys to succeed in overcoming professional failures, whether individual or collective.

The “Back on Track” certificate

At the end of these courses, you will obtain the “Back on Track certificate, in order to:

  • Train on essential topics to get back to work safely
  • Obtain 500 stars
  • Get the “Back On Track” certificate

Cetification Back on Track

To go further

Europe needs to prepare now to get back to work—safely – McKinsey

The future is not what it used to be: thoughts on the shape of the next normal – McKinsey

19 businesses pivoting in response to COVID-19 – Maddyness

There is no returning to normal after COVID-19. But there is a path forward. – World Economic Forum (WEF)

The essence of resilient leadership: business recovery from covid-19 – Deloitte

Will we return to the office after covid-19? – Forbes

Coronavirus disease (covid-19) advice for the public: myth busters – World Health Organization (WHO)

How the biggest companies in the world are preparing to bring back their workforce – CNBC

Coronavirus: seven ways collective intelligence is tackling the pandemic – World Economic Forum (WEF).

Let’s get back on track!


Let's Get Back On Track

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