We are pleased to announce that Coorpacademy is officially certified Qualiopi.

Rédaction Blog

3 years ago


We are pleased to announce that Coorpacademy is officially certified Qualiopi.

Made compulsory in France on January 1, 2022 for all providers of actions contributing to the development of skills, this certification attests to the qualitý of the process and services offered by training providers and also allows access to public or mutualized funding.

This certification is an additional guarantee of the seriousness and quality of Coorpacademy’s services, which therefore already meets the requirements of the National Quality Reference published by the Ministry of Labor.

Thank you to our teams for the quality of the work accomplished and to our customers for the trust they place in us!

Qualiopi  is the name of the quality certification mark for training providers. Its objective is to attest the quality of the process implemented by the providers of actions contributing to the development of skills. This certification is a legal obligation to benefit from public or mutualized funds. Law no. 2018-771 of September 5, 2018 for the freedom to choose one's professional future provides in its Article 6 for an obligation of certification, by a third-party organization (CERTIFOPAC), of organizations carrying out actions contributing to the development of skills on the basis of a single national reference system, if they want to benefit from public or mutualized funds (financing by a skills operator, by the commission mentioned in Article L. 6323-17-6, by the State, by the regions, by the Caisse des dépôts et consignations, by Pôle emploi or by Agefiph). 
Please note: the national quality reference framework is organized around 7 criteria linked to 22 indicators that apply to all providers (common core), plus 10 indicators specific to apprenticeship or certification training. 

The "Qualiopi" mark aims to  
- attest to the quality of the process implemented by the providers of actions contributing to the development of skills; 
- make the training offer more readable for companies and users.


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