Learn to learn, unlearn and relearn – Interview with Jean-Marc Tassetto, co-founder of Coorpacademy, in Forbes France

“Learning how to learn, unlearning and relearning – and especially doing it by yourself, through digital learning for example – has become necessary in order to face tomorrow’s uncertainties. For companies – it must become part of their strategies – but mostly for individuals – so that no one gets left behind!”
In this interview with Forbes, Jean-Marc Tassetto, co-founder of Coorpacademy, gives us his insights on his vision of lifelong learning, on future trends and on the geostrategical stakes to prepare the ground for European digital learning giants to prosper.
You can find the interview in its original form here, in French.
Désirée de Lamarzelle: How would you present Coorpacademy?
Jean Marc Tassetto: With Arnauld Mitre and Frédérick Bénichou, co-founders of Coorpacademy, we wanted to reinvent e-learning, perceived negatively, boring and less and less used within companies. New technologies, new web usages and the growing digital culture of learners deserved a new pedagogical process and new ways of online learning. With Digital Learning – words are important, meaning the digital revolution applied to learning and development – we focus on corporate digital learning and companies’ learning and training issues. Our pedagogical process is more engaging, more social, more fun, more digital, and we’ve encapsulated it in a platform: Coorpacademy.
But as a platform is nothing without proposing premium, qualitative content, we also offer one the most qualitative content catalogue which covers all essential skills to evolve in tomorrow’s world.
Désirée de Lamarzelle: Could we say that you’re focusing on micro-learning? What are its main advantages?
Jean-Marc Tassetto: All our content must be available in a micro-learning format, meaning content divided in several short learning nuggets, with a length of max 5 minutes. This creates also opportunities and context in the background. A micro-learning session must be seen as a way of creating unique and useful moments to learn, on mobile, when waiting before a meeting or at the airport. This is when employees want to learn useful notions. Micro-learning is a smart answer to the lack of time issue people usually face at their jobs. It’s also a smart answer to the disadvantages of traditional corporate training.
According to a Josh Bersin study for Deloitte, 2/3 of people are complaining about not having enough time to do their normal jobs. The corporate person today is also impatient, and doesn’t spend more than 4 minutes on a video with an attention span of 5 to 10 secondes. Corporate people are also distracted, they unlock their smartphones up to 9 times an hour and connect online 27 times on average. These data show how little time people can have to train and learn new things in their day-to-day jobs: with micro-learning, Coorpacademy brings an answer in terms of flexibility and efficiency.
Désirée de Lamarzelle: Is digital learning essential in the companies’ strategies to adapt to tomorrow’s world?
Jean-Marc Tassetto: Keeping in mind that 85% of 2030 jobs have not been invented yet, we are entering a lifelong learning era! Employees must learn on the spot, during their workdays. The ability to learn new things, to learn how to learn will have more value than knowledge itself. On the other side, the business world is evolving faster than ever before and automation is growing faster than ever before. The ability for people to think differently, to learn how to learn the next skills, the ones they will be needing in 10 years, is becoming more crucial than ever before.
Désirée de Lamarzelle: Meaning learning during your whole career?
Jean-Marc Tassetto: Yes. Learning how to learn, unlearning and relearning – and especially doing it by yourself, through digital learning for example – has become necessary in order to face tomorrow’s uncertainties. For companies – it must become part of their strategies – but mostly for individuals – so that no one gets left behind!
According to the World Economic Forum, the world is facing a reskilling emergency. Companies that will make it out and be successful are the ones that will invest in their employees’ training and upskilling. In workdays that are everyday busier, digital learning, because it is massive, ubiquitous, scalable, can help. There is an other advantage to digital learning: the learner finds himself/herself in an active position of learning. The learner becomes the one who decides to learn, autonomous in his/her learning pathway. Learners are not passively recording a transmitted knowledge anymore.
Désirée de Lamarzelle: What are the profound trends you are observing in society?
Jean-Marc Tassetto: We observe a real awareness in the importance of training and learning in society, but also a real awareness in the importance of learning to transform. At the individual level, each and everyone of us is now responsible for his/her own employability.
Companies are now facing – and even more during the Covid-19 crisis – major transformations: organizational, managerial, digital, cultural, sustainable ones… Learning and development must help them to get ready for them, but also accompany them through these transformations.
We regularly share insights and exchange with our clients on how the learning trends, the best practices, the pedagogical innovation with our R&D programs supported by the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne, on our product roadmap and on our content production and new editorial partnerships.
Désirée de Lamarzelle: Can Coorpacademy evolve towards new businesses, new models, more collaborative digital learning?
Jean-Marc Tassetto: Each client is completely autonomous in creating its own dedicated content. We also have a dedicated team to help them creating their contents, their own learning videos. Clients have access to our authoring tool, Cockpit, which allows anyone in a very user-friendly way to develop learning content on the platform. On each courses, a learner can also become what we call a Coach and help his/her peers.
Désirée de Lamarzelle: What will Coorpacademy be in two years?
Jean-Marc Tassetto: In the West and in the East, digital learning giants are appearing and are coming into Europe. In the US, LinkedIn used its network power and the help of the parent company Microsoft to display their own learning content via LinkedIn Learning. In China, Jack Ma, founder of Alibaba, now wants to work in education. There are also geostrategical stakes to prepare the ground for European digital learning giants to prosper, but also to make our contents, our publishing houses, our soft power more visible and more shiny. Keeping this in mind, we keep working on new innovative, engaging and entertaining formats at the service of education.
Désirée de Lamarzelle: For example?
Jean-Marc Tassetto: We’ve created last year the first digital Escape Game where you actually learn something. Today, we launched Suspects, the first series 100% learning and 100% fiction: a series in which the learn is conducting an investigation for a robbery and must interrogate suspects using behavioral skills. Immersion is guarantied! With several possible outcomes, the learner will be able to solve the case if he/she used active listening, persuasion or emotional intelligence at the right moments.
Our ambition is to keep on being pioneers in terms of pedagogical innovation, engaging content, and to keep looking for inspiration in what works in the TV series world, in the entertainment world. We are convinced that is how our learning content will be the most engaging for our learners.
Who are your competitors?
On the corporate digital market, a new “next gen” category of players emerged, placing the learner at the heart of the user experience, in opposition to other software made for the HR administrator. Coorpacademy is amongst what Gartner named “Learning Experience Platforms”: solutions focusing on the learner’s engagement primarily. Solutions creating a real learning experience, personalized and individualized at the same time. This very dynamic market is attracting a lot of attention and there are a lot of specialized actors. Our ecosystemical vision allows us to be integrated in big HR Information Systems and to win international call for tenders with large companies. This positioning as a smart content library, combining technology, premium content and innovative digital learning formats is quite differentiating, and makes us quite a unique player on the market.